Ming-Yen Lin, I-Chen Hsieh, and Sue-Chen Hsueh*, "Enhancing Personalized Explainable Recommendations with Transformer Architecture and Feature Handling," Electronics (Special issue: Recommender Systems: Approaches, Challenges and Applications, 3rd Ed.), 14(5), 998. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics14050998 (IF:2.6, Q2), 2025-02. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Hsin-You Chi and Wen-Cheng Chao*, "Multitask learning to predict successful weaning in critically ill ventilated patients: A retrospective analysis of the MIMIC-IV database," DIGITAL HEALTH, Volume 10: 1-13. (https://doi.org/10.1177/20552076241289732) (IF:2.9, Q2), 2024-10. (SCIE) -
Ming‐Yen Lin, Hsuan‐Chun Liu, and Sue‐Chen Hsueh*, "Enhanced Text Classification with Label‐Aware Graph Convolutional Networks," Electronics (Special Issue: Advanced Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, and Deep Learning Technologies: Methodologie, 13, 2944. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13152944 (IF:2.6, Q2), 2024-07. (SCIE,EI) -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Min-Shan Shih, Ming-Yen Lin*, "Context Enhanced Recurrent Neural Network for Session-Aware Recommendation," Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 2075, Springer, Vol. 2075 (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1714-9_5), 2024-03. (EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Ping-Chun Wu and Sue-Chen Hsueh*, "Optimizing Session-Aware Recommenders: A Deep Dive into GRU-Based Latent Interaction Integration," Future Internet (Special issue: Deep Learning in Recommender Systems), 16(2), 51; https://doi.org/10.3390/fi16020051 (ESCI, IF:3.4, CITESCORE:6.7), 2024-01. (EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Yuan-Ming Chang, Chi-Chun Li, and Wen-Cheng Chao*, "Explainable Machine Learning to Predict Successful Weaning of Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Hemodialysis," Healthcare, 11(6), 910; https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11060910 (SCIE, PubMed, PMC, IF:3.16), 2023-03. (SSCI,SCIE) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Cheng-Tai Fu, and Sue-Chen Hsueh*, "Interactive Mining of Probabilistic Frequent Patterns in Uncertain Databases," International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 30, Issue 02, pp. 263 - 283, 2022 (IF:1.518), 2022-04. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Chi-Chun Li, Pin-Hsiu Lin, Jiun-Long Wang, Ming-Cheng Chan, Chieh-Liang Wu, and Wen-Cheng Chao*, "Explainable Machine Learning to Predict Successful Weaning among Patients Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Central Taiwan," Frontiers in Medicine, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2021.663739, 2021-04. (SCIE,PubMed, PMC, Scopus (IF:5.09)) -
Chien-An Hu, C.-M. Chen, Y.-C. Fang, S.-J. Liang, H.-C. Wang, W.-F. Fang, C.-C. Sheu, W.-C. Perng, K.-Y. Yang, K.-C. Kao, C.-L. Wu, C.-S. Tsai, Ming- Yen Lin*, Wen-Cheng Chao*, "Using a machine learning approach to predict mortality in critically ill influenza patients: a cross- sectional retrospective multicentre study in Taiwan," BMJ Open, BMJ Open 2020; 10:e033898. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-033898, 2020-02. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chih-Chen Chan, "Mining and Maintenance of Sequential Patterns using a Backward Generation Framework," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1329 - 1349, 2018-09. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Chao-Wen Yang, and Sue-Chen Hsueh, "Efficient Computation of Group Skyline Queries on MapReduce," GSTF Journal on Computing, Vol. 5, No.1: 69, 2016-08. (Technology and Engineering) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Tzer-Fu Tu, Sue-Chen Hsueh, "High Utility Pattern Mining using the Maximal Itemset Property and Lexicographic Tree Structures," Information Sciences: an International Journal, vol.215, pp. 1-14, 2012-12. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chia-Wen Chang, "Fast discovery of sequential patterns in large databases using effective time-indexing," Information Sciences: An International Journal, 178/22, PP. 4228~4245, 2008-11. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chia-Wen Chang, "Mining Closed Sequential Patterns with Time Constraints," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 24/1, PP. 33~46, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee, "Efficient Mining of Sequential Patterns with Time Constraints by Delimited Pattern-Growth," Knowledge and Information Systems, 7/4, PP. 499~514, 2005-05. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee, "Fast Discovery of Sequential Patterns through Memory Indexing and Database Partitioning," Journal of Information Sciences and Engineering, 21/1, PP. 109~128, 2005-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee, "Interactive Sequence Discovery by Incremental Mining," Information Sciences: An International Journal, 165/3-4, PP. 187~205, 2004-10. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee, "Incremental Update on Sequential Patterns in Large Databases by Implicit Merging and Efficient Counting," Information Systems, 29/5, PP. 385~404, 2004-07. (SCIE,EI)
Ming-Yen Lin, Yu-Ju Lin, and Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Using Spark for Text Mining on Large Scale Liver Cancer Literature ," 2021 3rd International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Technology, pp., 2021-06. online conference . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Tzer-Fu Tu, and Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Mining High Utility Itemsets of Generalized Quantity with Pattern-Growth Structures ," 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems, Springer Book Series--Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2019-11. National Dong Hua University . -
Ming-Yen Lin,"Efficient Processing of Skyline Join-Queries, with or without Constraints ," 2019 International Conference for Leading and Young Computer Scientists, pp., 2019-02. Okinawa Gender Equality Center . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Pei-Wun Chen, and Sue-Chen Hsueh*,"Probabilistic Mobile-Pattern Mining from Uncertain Trajectories with Time Constraints ," 2018 International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES, pp., 2018-04. SunPort Hall, Takamatsu . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Yueh-Lin Lin, and Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Discovering Group Skylines with Constraints by Early Candidate Pruning ," The 13th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, pp., 2017-12. NTU Alumni House at Marina Square, Singapore . -
Chih-Yu Wang and Ming-Yen Lin*,"Prediction of Accrual Expenses in Balance Sheet Using Decision Trees and Linear Regression ," The 2016 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp., 2016-11. National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Tien-Jing Wang, and Sue-Chen Hsueh*,"Improving MapReduce-based Entity-resolution by Data-load Balancing ," The Fifth ASE International Conference on Big Data, pp., 2015-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin*, and Yi-Chun Chiu,"A Load Based Map reduce Algorithm for Blocking-based Entity-resolution with Multiple keys ," 12th Australasian Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp., 2014-01. Auckland, New Zealand . -
Wan-Chao Lee, Tzer-Fu Tu, and Ming-Yen Lin*,"互動式資料串流高頻封閉項目集探勘 ," 2013年第七屆資訊科技國際研討會(AIT2013, pp., 2013-04. 台中市,朝陽科技大學 . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Tsung-Che Lee, Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Improving Classification Accuracy of Associative Classifiers by Using K-Conflict-rule Preservation ," ACM 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC'13) (EI), pp., 2013-01. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Pei-Yu Lee and Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Apriori-based Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithms on MapReduce ," ACM 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, (EI), 2012-02. Kuala Lumpur, Maylaysia . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Cheng-Tai Fu and Sue-Chen Hsueh,"Incremental Update on Probabilistic Frequent Itemsets in Uncertain Databases ," ACM 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, (EI), 2012-02. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . -
董燕文、林明言、許芳榮,"人類基因中外顯子跳躍事件的頻繁內隱子片段與循序樣式探勘 ," 2011 National Computer Symposium, p, 2011-12. 嘉義, Taiwan . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin, Kuo-Chen Tseng,"Equivalent Range Queries in Reverse Skyline Computations ," European Conference on Data Mining 2011, 111-118, 2011-07. Rome, Italy . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, Hung-Jr Yao,"Efficient Mining of Sequential Patterns in Time-Sensitive Data Streams ," European Conference on Data Mining 2011, 127-134, 2011-07. Rome, Italy . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Jing-Yan Lin, Ming-Yen Lin,"Secure Cloud Storage for Convenient Data Archive of Smart Phones ," 15th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, (EI), 2011-06. Singapore . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, Chien-Hsiang, Tung,"Interactive Stream Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsets Allowing Flexible Time Intervals and Support Thresholds ," he Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (EI), 2010-01. Suwon, Korea . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Hong Chen, and Hong-Yang Hsu,"Mining Sequential Patterns for Image Classification in Ubiquitous Multimedia Systems ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP 2009) (EI), pp. 303-306, 2009-09. Kyoto, Japan . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, Chih-Chin Chan,"Incremental Discovery of Sequential Patterns Using a Backward Mining Approach ," 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (EI), pp. 64-70, 2009-08. Vancouver, Canada . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Shao-Wei Chen,Wei-Sheng Wang, Ming-Yen Lin,"A Secure and Lightweight Mobile Coupon System using QR Code for Mobile Tagging ," International Business and Information, 2009-07. Malaysia . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Wei Sheng Wang, Shao-Wei Chen, Ming-Yen Lin,"Integrating Mobile Payments with Stored Value Cards: Securing the User Identities and Merchant Authentications ," International Conference on Business and Information, 2009-07. Malaysia . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin, and Chien-Liang Chen,"Mining Negative Sequential Patterns for E-Commerce Recommendations ," 2008 International Workshop on E-Commerce Services and Applications (ECSA08; EI), Vol. 1, pp. 1213-1218, 2008-12. Yilan . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chung-Yi Wang,"Interactive Mining of Frequent Patterns in a Data Stream of Time-Fading Models ," 8th Int'l Conf.Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA08; EI), Vol. 1, pp. 513-518, 2008-11. Kaohsiung . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin ,and Kun-Lin Lu,"Mining Generalized Association Rules for Service Recommendations for Digital Home Applications ," Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP07; EI), Vol.1, pp. 631-634, 2007-11. Kaohsiung . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin, and Hui-Lin Wong,"Mining Fuzzy Sequential Rules of One-Day Trippers for Automatic Tourism Recommendations ," International Conference on Business and Information, 2007-07. Japan . -
薛夙珍, 林明言, 翁慧琳,"高銷售且高獲利率商品關聯法則之模糊資料探勘 ," 2007 第十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 2007-05. 台北 . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chia-Wen Chang,"Mining Closed Sequential Patterns with Time Constraints ," International Computer Symposium 2006, Vol. 1, pp.346-351, 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan . -
Sue-Chen Hsueh, Ming-Yen Lin, and Kun-Lin Lu,"Mining Multidimensional Service Patterns with Time Constraints in a Mobile Commerce Environment ," 2006 INFORMS International Conference, pp., 2006-06. Hong Kong . -
薛夙珍、梁嘉鴻、林明言,"一個以匯總資料防護隱私之關聯規則探勘方法 ," 第九屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 2004-11. 台北 . -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee,"Improving the Efficiency of Interactive Sequential Pattern Mining by Incremental Pattern Discovery ," 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 8 pages, 2003-01. Hawaii, USA . -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee,"Fast Discovery of Sequential Patterns by Memory Indexing ," 4th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 150-160(LNCS 2454), 2002-09. Aix-en-Provence, France . -
Ming-Yen Lin, Suh-Yin Lee, and Sheng-Shun Wang,"DELISP: Efficient Discovery of Generalized Sequential Patterns by Delimited Pattern-Growth Technology ," Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 189-209 (LNCS 2336), 2002-05. Taipei, Taiwan . -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee,"A Fast Lexicographic Algorithm for Association Rule Mining in Web Applications ," ICDCS Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in the World-Wide Web, F7-F14, 2000-05. Taipei, Taiwan . -
Ming-Yen Lin and Suh-Yin Lee,"Incremental Update on Sequential Patterns in Large Databases ," 10th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 24-31, 1998-11. Taipei, Taiwan .
- 專業書籍/楊東麟 洪明傳 林明言 張本杰 許政穆等編著/適地性行動應用網路與數位內容製作技術/ 易習圖書/ 中華民國 /2011-11-01/400/ /
- 高效能可解釋循序推薦系統之研發/2024-08~2025-07 /NSTC113-2221-E-035-062- /主持人
- 具解釋能力的真假新聞辨識與事實摘要生成系統/2024-07~2025-02 /113-2813-C-035-035-E /主持人
- 可解釋性之呼吸器相關事件(VAE)醫療預測/2022-07~2023-02 /111-2813-C-035-026-E /主持人
- 結合靜態特徵與動態行為之推薦與預測系統之研發/2020-08~2021-07 /MOST109-2221-E-035-064- /主持人
- 應用於雙人對談之動態氣氛音樂推播系統/2020-07~2021-02 /109-2813-C-035-070-E /主持人
- 整合循序樣式之階段感知與序列感知推薦系統之研發/2019-08~2020-07 /MOST108-2221-E-035-067- /主持人
- 可行動之高效益循序樣式勘測方法之研發/2018-08~2019-07 /MOST107-2221-E-035-072- /主持人
- 整合圖像分析、翻譯與資訊搜尋之自動翻譯系統/2018-07~2019-02 /107CFD0600181 /主持人
- 高效率連結天際線查詢技術之研發/2017-08~2018-07 /MOST106-2221-E-035-096- /主持人
- 相片電影之協作拼貼系統/2015-07~2016-02 /104-2815-C-035-041-E /主持人
- 語音標籤強化之照片群協同編輯系統/2014-07~2015-02 /103-2815-C-035-050-E /主持人
- 可變更探勘條件之滑動窗模式資料串流頻繁樣式勘測/2010-08~2011-07 /NSC99-2221-E-035-075- /主持人
- 高效能資料串流循序樣式探勘技術之研發/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC98-2221-E-035-069- /主持人
- 智慧型手機規劃-以逢甲為例/2009-07~2010-02 /NSC98-2815-C-035-027-E /主持人
- 互動式資料串流頻繁樣式探勘技術之研發/2008-08~2009-07 /NSC97-2221-E-035-064- /主持人
- 可變動探勘條件之高效能資料串流頻繁樣式探勘/2007-08~2008-07 /NSC96-2221-E-035-093- /主持人
- 大型序列型態資料分類與預測技術之研發(2/2)/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-114- /主持人
- 大型序列型態資料分類與預測技術之研發(1/2)/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-012- /主持人
- 大型資料庫中具時間限制循序樣式之勘測/2004-08~2005-07 /NSC93-2218-E-035-010 /主持人
- 財富管理頂級客戶之開發研究 /2017-09~2018-06 /主持人
- 105年度扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 /2016-08~2017-07 /協同主持人
- 高維度陣列的分散式運算 /2014-05~2015-04 /共同主持人
- 110/110年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /產學合作處/ 2021-10-15/
- 109/大專學生研究計畫創作獎 /科技部/ 2021-06-29/指導學生林品秀 (應用於雙人對談之動態氣氛音樂推播系統)
- 105/2016最佳碩博士論文獎 佳作 /中華民國資訊學會/ 2017-03-06/指導學生林靖琨(碩士論文:具限制條件聚合連結之高效率天際線查詢方法)
- 100/第二屆中區資訊專題成果競賽暨觀摩會資訊應用組 第二名 /中華電信基金會/ 2012-05-17/指導學生 吳佩玟 陳鵬宇 楊震麟 獲獎 (iPhone App: (旅遊日記)
- 100/2012逢甲大學資訊電機學院畢業專題製作競賽暨觀摩展 佳作 /逢甲大學資訊學院/ 2012-05-04/指導學生 吳佩玟 陳鵬宇 楊震麟 獲獎 (iPhone App: (旅遊日記)
- 100/2012跨領域創意網路通訊應用與服務競賽特優獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-03-03/與楊東麟老師共同指導學生謝政廷、李培宇、沈之珩、廖威安、蕭國宏
- 100/教育部網通計畫補助教材編寫優等獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-02-14/教育部100年度網通人才培育先導型計畫補助編寫教材:文化資產數位化創意加值應用,參與老師:楊東麟、郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳
- 100/教育部網通計畫補助教材編寫佳作獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-02-14/教育部100年度網通人才培育先導型計畫補助編寫教材:文化資產數位化創意應用導論,參與老師:楊東麟、郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳
- 100/2011最佳碩博士論文獎 佳作 /中華民國資訊學會/ 2011-12-06/指導學生李建誠「在有限的記憶體中探勘時間敏感資料串流之頻繁項目」
- 98/震旦行專題競賽第三名 /逢甲大學資訊系、震旦行、吳全臨先生獎學金/ 2009-12-26/指導學生廖珮臻、傅承泰、吳佳勳、劉偉敬以「飢不擇食:隨身美食規劃-逢甲商圈為例」獲獎
- 97/最佳碩博士論文獎(佳作) /中華民國資訊學會/ 2009-03-13/指導學生劉吉評(碩士論文:互動式資料串流高頻項目集探勘)
- 97/震旦行專題競賽佳作獎 /逢甲大學資訊系/ 2009-01-10/指導學生葉皓鈞、李文瀚、林毓生、柯依婷以「FCU圖文搜尋引擎」獲本系獎勵
- 97/2008最佳碩博士論文獎 佳作 /中華民國資訊學會/ 2008-12-27/指導學生劉吉評(碩士論文:互動式資料串流高頻項目集探勘)
- 96/95年度『資訊科學類論文獎』優等 /中華民國電腦學會/ 2007-12-20/作者:Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Chia-Wen Chang
- 96/Who's Who in the World /Marquis Who's Who (美國)/ 2007-10-01/列名 25th edition (2008) 及 2009 edition
- 96/Top 100 Scientists /International Biographical Center (英國/ 2007-08-31/Listee of the IBC Top 100
- 95/Who's Who, Science&Engineering /Marquis Who's Who (美國)/ 2007-07-01/10th anniversary edition (2008-2009)
- 95/2007 CIEE大專專題競賽(佳作) /中國電機工程學會中區分會/ 2007-05-19/指導學生林榮章、李兆偉、林宏軒、廖健峰以「條件式關聯規則與序列規則探勘系統」獲獎勵(資訊及通訊組)
- 95/震旦行專題競賽佳作獎 /逢甲大學資訊系/ 2006-12-18/指導學生李兆偉、林榮章、林宏軒、廖健峰以「條件式關聯規則與序列規則探勘系統」獲本系獎勵
- 95/最佳碩博士論文獎(佳作) /中華民國資訊學會/ 2006-11-15/指導學生張家汶(碩士論文:具時間限制之高效率序列樣式探勘演算法)
- 95/Who's Who in Asia /Marquis Who's Who (美國)/ 2006-11-01/1st edition (2007)
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Using a machine learning approach to predict mortality in critically ill influenza patients: a cross- sectional retrospective multicentre study in Taiwan
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Explainable Machine Learning to Predict Successful Weaning of Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Hemodialysis
- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Using a machine learning approach to predict mortality in critically ill influenza patients: a cross- sectional retrospective multicentre study in Taiwan
- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Interactive Mining of Probabilistic Frequent Patterns in Uncertain Databases
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Explainable Machine Learning to Predict Successful Weaning among Patients Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Central Taiwan
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Using a machine learning approach to predict mortality in critically ill influenza patients: a cross- sectional retrospective multicentre study in Taiwan
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Mining and Maintenance of Sequential Patterns using a Backward Generation Framework
- 107/107學年度教學績優獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/
- 102/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/文化資產數位化創意加值應用
- 102/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/文化資產數位化創意應用導論
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/High Utility Pattern Mining using the Maximal Itemset Property and Lexicographic Tree Structures
- 101/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/適地性行動應用網路與數位內容製作技術
- 100/100學年度優良導師 /逢甲大學/ 2012-08-15/
- 100/2011逢甲大學行動終端應用程式設計競賽 /逢甲大學/ 2011-12-01/指導學生郭哲均獲得實作組第三名
- 100/2011逢甲大學行動終端應用程式設計競賽 /逢甲大學/ 2011-12-01/指導學生韋懋綸、施博文、周柏仰獲得創意組佳作
- 100/2011逢甲大學行動終端應用程式設計競賽 /逢甲大學/ 2011-12-01/指導學生吳佩玟、陳鵬宇、楊震麟獲得創意組佳作
- 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Fast discovery of sequential patterns in large databases using effective time-indexing
- 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Mining Closed Sequential Patterns with Time Constraints
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Variable Support Mining of Frequent Itemsets over Data Streams Using Synopsis Vectors
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Fast Discovery of Time-constrained Sequential Patterns Using Time-Indexes
- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Efficient Mining of Sequential Patterns with Time Constraints by Delimited Pattern-Growth
- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Fast Discovery of Sequential Patterns through Memory Indexing and Database Partitioning
- Big Data Mining and Explainable Machine Learning/國立台中教育大學資訊工程系/2021-10
- Big Data Mining and Explainable Machine Learning/國立聯合大學資管系/2021-05
- Mining Equivalent Ranges for Reverse Skyline Queries/高雄大學資訊工程學系/2012-03
- Interactive Mining of Frequent Patterns in Data Streams/東華大學資訊工程系/2010-06
- Interactive Mining of Frequent Patterns in Data Streams/元智大學電機系/2009-12
- Ming-Yen Lin, Tzer-Fu Tu, Sue-Chen Hsueh/Mining High Utility Itemsets of Generalized Quantity with Pattern-Growth Structures/Peng, SL., Favorskaya, M., Chao, HC. (eds) Sensor Networks and Signal Processing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies /Springer /2021-01-01/ Vol. 176, pp. 447–464 (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4917-5_33)
- Ming-Yen Lin/Time-Constrained Sequential Pattern Mining/Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining 2nd Edition, Editor: John Wang /Ideal Group Reference /2008-08-01/ 1974-1978 /
- Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh, and Sheng-Kun Hwang/Interactive Mining of Frequent Itemsets over Arbitrary Time Intervals in a Data Stream/Database Technologies 2008, Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds. /Australian Computer Society /2008-01-01/ CPRIT Vol.75,pp. 15-21 /NSC96-2221-E-035-093 (Australasian Database Conference 2008)
- Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh and Chia-Wen Chang/Fast Discovery of Time-constrained Sequential Patterns Using Time-Indexes/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence /Springer Verlag /2006-08-01/ Vol. 4093, pp. 693-701 /(ADMA 2006), NSC95-2221-E-035-114 (SCI/EI)
- Ming-Yen Lin, Sue-Chen Hsueh and Sheng-Kun Hwang/Variable Support Mining of Frequent Itemsets over Data Streams Using Synopsis Vectors/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence /Springer Verlag /2006-04-01/ Vol. 3918, pp. 724-728 /(PAKDD06), NSC94-2213-E-035-012 (SCI/EI)
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- 教育部網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/文化資產數位化創意加值應用/楊東麟、洪明傳、許政穆、林明言、郭俊麟/教具(投影片)
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最後更新時間:2025-3-13, 9:04 a.m.
下次更新時間:2025-3-14, 9 a.m.